Get Connected

Getting Connected

We would love to get connected with you. Whether you are new to CHS or you’d like to update your details. Click the button below to give us your info and let us know any questions you have and we will get back to you.

  • We have a variety of different small groups that meet throughout the week.

    Huddles: These are usually groups of single gender that focus on the question: “What is God saying to you and what are you doing about it?”

    Life Groups: Mixed groups that do life together while centring on God, reading his Word and prayer.

    Bible Study: A specific space to spend time in God’s Word, learning together.

  • A group of creatives that meets every Wednesday using the space to chat, engage and create in various forms. They alternate between mornings and evenings each week.

  • Get more involved in our prayerful community.

    You can join us for:

    Midweek prayers:

    Monday – Friday morning 8:30-9am

    Tuesday evenings: 7-8pm

    Sundays: 8:30 – 9am (before the 9am service).

  • Every last Sunday of every month we host a community lunch, as we share stories, play cards and explore what it means to be a relational community where everyone is invited.

    Join us and our housed and unhoused neighbours as we practically live out what it means that all are welcome at the table.

Here are some of the groups we currently have running.

Getting Involved

Membership at CHS is expressed through connecting, praying, and serving. Everyone has a gift to share!

  • Are you good at telling stories, love playing games with kids, or maybe you like helping with activities?

  • You don’t have to be able to bust a move or post something that goes viral! You do have to be genuine and present, and willing to share your heart for Jesus.

  • Being part of the worship ministry team is such a privilege. Everyone plays in important role, from sound desk technicians, to singers, musicians.

  • If welcoming people home and making friends feel loved is your heart, then consider joining our hosting team.